Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wear A Message!

One way to share the 
TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas
is to wear a message when
you are out and about!
And - get message
t-shirts for the kids!
Be sure to smile and show
love and compassion to others
while you wear the message.
We should all do that anyway,
but we should REALLY 
act right when we
wear a message.
We are labeled. And when we
are labeled, we are 
being representatives of Christ.
Show His love!
Show His kindness!
Smile. Open doors for people. Let
others go ahead of you in line.
Offer a shopping cart to a
stranger. Compliment others.
And if you get the last of the great 
deals on Black Friday
it would be a nice gesture to 
offer it - with a smile - to
someone who got there just a
little too late!

Be CHRIST like!
Others are more likely to 
accept Christ when His followers
truly follow!

1 comment:

  1. I wear a Christmas pin every Christmas holiday that says
    JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.....I just tried to find it to send you a pic but haven't found it yet...the move last year is still giving me grief. lol
    When we were in Amarillo last week, we stopped at a donut shop for maple donuts, our favorite.
    There were 6 maples left in the case and a lady was in front of me. When she said, "I want all the maples", I thought, uh ooo....when I asked the saleslady if she had any more, she said no...the lady in front of me turned and said, "I'll split them with ya" and I was tickled. So happy to meet such a nice lady. Sharing donuts is such a little thing...but it sure showed me her heart. It doesn't take major happenings to be nice and kind to others.
