Some people like to use the
Elf on the Shelf
as a countdown to CHRISTmas!
If your family enjoys it,
then by all means do it.
But - consider this.
Make your Elf on the Shelf
Instead of that naughty elf that the
kids saw last year -
What if your elf had a change of heart?
He could be used to encourage
your kids to be more kind,
obedient or giving!
Your family is unique. Your needs will be
different than our needs.
But - the basic idea is to incorporate the
elf to help you reinforce to your
children the things you are
wanting to teach them in their
day to day lives.
Let's share!
Let's be considerate of others!
Let's empathize with people and animals
that might be cold and hungry.
Let's show appreciation and give thanks!
Let's learn to be living vessels of
God's love and lets
let that love flow over to
those around us!
These are just a few
"starter" ideas.
But, I'm sure you can think of
tons of ideas on your own.
Let's offer to read to an elderly
person who can no longer
see very well.
Let's offer to help and elderly
person change light bulbs,
smoke detector batteries,
or take out their trash.
Let's donate old magazines
to a Veteran's Home.
Let's donate toys to a
Children's Shelter.
Let's collect diapers and wipes
for a Crisis Pregnancy Center.
Let's go CHRISTmas Caroling.
Let's shop for CHRISTmas presents
for a needy family.
Let's donate last years coat
to a child who needs it.
Let's make care packages for
single soldiers and tell them
thank you!
The ideas are endless!
And you can completely
customize them for your
family's specific needs.
I was just seeing on Fox news about a THANK IT FORWARD....doing things we normally do for PAY IT out gift cards to homeless on the street..maybe to a groc store...or a meal at McDonalds or to Sears for a warm coat....endless possibilities ....I would much rather do something like that for people that may not have a meal or a warm coat than pay for someone eating in the same place I am (as they are able to pay or wouldn't be there)...I think we just need to think about our helping others and help those that really need it.