Monday, March 2, 2015

Commit Your Life to Christ!

The GREATEST thing we can do
this Easter Season -
and every season, it commit our 
lives to Christ.
If you're a Christian - your life is His, anyway.
If you are not a Christian - committing 
your life to Christ is the only way
you are going to find the peace and happiness
your soul desires. God is the only
one who can fill that empty space within
your heart.... and only when it is 
filled will you find peace within.

Easter is a time when we remember
the great sacrifice Christ made for us.
Focus TODAY on HIM!

You Paid the Price

When I think of all the times
That I've disappointed You
Times I've let my flesh decide
What I would or would not do

When I think of all the times
I've watched, as others strayed away
Remaining silent, even though I know
You've given me words to say

When I think of all the times
You've forgiven my mistakes
I want to bring someone to know
You, Lord
No matter what it takes

For in You there is peace
And rest for the soul
There is joy in persecution
For in You I am whole

I will take up my cross
I will lay down my life
Lord, I am Yours
You bought me, You own me
You paid the price

by Patty Patterson

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